Draught Training

The Hospitality Industry's Most Comprehensive Draught Training

Level 1 - For Anyone Who Handles Draught
Level 2 - For Keyholders / Owners / Managers
We Present In-Person
Stream A Course During Your Meeting
Short & Sweet Beer 101

A Draught Course That They'll Enjoy

All of our training is designed for those who sell and serve draught beer. Not for Brewmasters or Line Cleaning Technicians.

The content can be quite technical sometimes so we take a simplified approach to the way we present our draught beer courses - we keep it simple.

Your staff and managers won't be installing systems so they don't need to know the same level that a draught tech does.

Beer training that they'll enjoy. Too easy!

Scott Newnham - Firkin Pubs
Scott Newnham - Firkin Pubs

Scott Newnham - Firkin Pubs

Scott gets 10 calls a day from people telling him they can save him money. Find out how Better Beer has been helping him save money since 2010.

Cindy Simpson - Duke Pubs
Cindy Simpson - Duke Pubs

Cindy Simpson - Duke Pubs

Better Beer clients since 2009. Find out why Duke Pubs rely on Better Beer to help them manage their beer - and they sell a lot of it!

Justin Howard - Royal Oak
Justin Howard - Royal Oak

Justin Howard - Royal Oak

Justin lets us in on a secret. Watch to the end - he told us we could include it.

Cory Luedtke - Boston Pizza
Cory Luedtke - Boston Pizza

Cory Luedtke - Boston Pizza

Cory owns four Boston Pizzas. Hear how Better Beer has helped him increase his draught beer sales mix.

Sam McCaffery  - Sir Corp
Sam McCaffery - Sir Corp

Sam McCaffery - Sir Corp

What would you say to someone who was on the fence about the Better Beer Program?

Your Inefficient Draught System Costs You Profitability & Quality

Does This Describe You?

Nobody has the answer to why your draught pours foamy.

You have to comp pints because guests complain their flat beer tastes like "The bottom of the keg".

Sometimes you are embarrassed by the pints you sell, but you'd never admit it.

Your draught variance is greater than 1.5%. Each percentage costs you $1,500 / yr.

You feel your only option to increase sales is to discount your pints.

You have draught meters, but still experience a variance.

Your staff improperly pour beer into dirty glasses.

We Can HelpBook A 20-minute Video Demo
What We Do

At Better Beer, we know you want to be a profitable, successful restaurateur who serves quality pints.

In order to do that you need properly trained staff and an efficient draught system that consistently pours cold, clean, clear beer.

The problem is that in most cases, draught service techs and bartenders only receive basic hand-me-down training that is out-dated and reinforces bad habits already developed. Draught techs typically aren’t paid well and they are over-worked, so some of them cut corners.

No wonder you feel confused about why your system pours foamy beer, frustrated that guests return pints, and feel at a loss for why you can’t hit theoretical draught costs.

I understand because I’ve been there.

betterbeer Steve RileyBeer sqx

Steve Riley
Founder, Better Beer
Let's Connect