You Only Get One Chance To Make A First Impression
If someone gets a bad pint of your draught in a bar, they blame you.
Every single week, the number of competitors that you have increases. Every week. The beer business is on fire right now. It’s unlike any other industry, it is truly Beer O’clock.
You have invested blood, sweat, and tears into building your brand. You have a cool logo, label, and packaging. People connect with your beer and even more important…it tastes amazing. Your sales folks are pounding the pavement getting tap listings and life is good.
Here’s your problem: Some of your customers (licensees) don’t know as much about draught as they think they do. Here are some of the problems brewing as a result (pun intended):
- Their walk-in is too small, so they store your full kegs in the hot kitchen (ask us about the 3/30/300 rule)
- They are understaffed, so at keg change they tap whichever keg is closest, not looking at date codes
- Their beer glasses are not beer clean
- They cut corners when building the bar, so there are no FOBs and only one gas regulator for 20 lines
- Their staff aren’t trained, so they bury the faucet when the beer pours foamy
- If they are responsible for cleaning your lines, how do you know if they are getting them cleaned properly?
When a consumer gets a pint that is improperly poured, through warm dirty lines, into dirty glasses, they think it tastes bad because of the way that you brewed it. All that investment into getting the pint into their hand is for nothing.
That filthy FOB to the right - was for an Ontario Craft Brewery beer. We can help.

How We Can Help

Have a Taproom?
We have solutions to help ensure that your Taproom pints are top-notch - as they should be, not like these two pints.
Click here for Taproom solutions.
We can execute one of our detailed audits in any establishment you are listed in to find out if your beer is being served as you intended it to be.
If you clean your own lines, we can audit the quality of your line cleaners. Sub your line cleaning out? No problem, we can audit their work as well.
We can audit potential new accounts for you to get an idea if they will serve your beer properly. When you have to say no to a potential customer, it’s best if you can provide the facts as to why.
We have a very detailed set of criteria that we check in our base audit, but we will add or subtract criteria as you need. We can even provide a taste analysis by a Certified Cicerone™ to detect diacetyl, oxidation, or general infection.
Average First Audit Score
Average Third Audit Score
Average Sixth Audit Score
Brewer's On-premise Quality Solutions
5 Pack
- 30% OFF
- $870
One-time fee
25 Pack
- 50% OFF
- $3,880
One-time fee