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Need More Draught Knowledge?

Do you find yourself struggling to understanding your draught system? Need a good training manual for your staff so they can understand the system and how to lower spillage?
Our Draught Manual is an easy to understand, 34-page goldmine of tips, techniques, and solutions that you can implement immediately to start selling better beer.
It contains valuable information on over 35 topics:
  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Keg Shelf Life (Best Before)
  • Six Steps For Changing A Keg
  • Kegs In A Series (aka – Jumped Kegs)
  • Foam On Beer (FOBs)
  • Beer Clean Glass (BCG)
  • Rinsing Beer Glasses
  • Chilled Glasses
  • Storing Beer Glasses
  • The Perfectly Poured Pint – In Four Simple Steps
  • Common mistakes while pouring
  • Proper Draught Presentation
  • Selling Opportunities
  • Line Cleaning
  • Troubleshooting: Cloudy Beer, Flat Beer, Foamy Beer
  • Plus more...

Toll Free (888) 811 - 2337 |

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