Product Instructions and MSDS

Beer Glass Degreaser

BGC square

To download the MSDS for the BEER GLASS CLEANER, click here.

To find out why you need a weekly beer glass program, click here.

For downloadable glass cleaning instructions, click here.

Beer Glass Cleaning Instructions
BGC Instruction Graphic
FR-BGC Instructions Graphic

Beer Glass Descaler


To download the MSDS for the BEER GLASS Descaler, click here.

To find out if this product is for you, click here.


QA - Fruit Fly Solution


To download the MSDS for the QA, click here.

Do you struggle with fruit flies behind the bar? This is part of the solution.

Mix one cap full with one litre of water and pour down drain lines (spill tray, floor drains,…).

Mix one cap full with two litres of water and spray on faucets, towers, spill trays – any surface behind the bar.

Highly concentrated: 1 Bottle (946 ml) makes up to 94 litres

Download our Insider's Guide for Preventing Fruit Flies

Click image to download or click here.

Better Beer Glass Cleaning Brush

KK Brush square
Click the image to download the brush cleaning instructions.