Faucet Cleaning

When your faucets need some love

Dirty Draught Beer Faucets

Over time, draught beer faucets start to become sticky with residual beer. This sticky beer eventually becomes mouldy.
When you turn the tap on to pour beer, the plunger (faucet face) moves inward to allow the beer to flow out the faucet.  If this faucet face is gunky, sticky, or mouldy, it becomes dislodged and with the help of gravity, falls into the pint below.
Now, your line cleaners should be removing and cleaning these at each clean, but not all line cleaners do what they should so your faucets end up looking like these:

The Solution?

DIY Faucet Cleaning Package

Giving you what you need to clean your own faucets.

  • ONE faucet wrench
  • SIX faucet washers
  • and access to the How To Clean Your Faucets video

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