Return On Investment

Based on $7.00 pint of draught, 12 pints per hour, two oz per second pour speed.


Avg loss of sales
per hour

Avg cost
of service call

Avg cost of 3 hours downtime
with a service call


Avg cost of draught
per ounce

Two oz spillage
per pint (1 second)

per day (13 hours)

per year


Based on $7.00 pint of draught, 12 pints per hour.

When the draught won’t flow

Avg loss of sales
per hour

Avg cost
of service call

Avg cost of 3 hours downtime
with a service call

If your staff don’t have basic troubleshooting skills, downtime is certain. Not if, but when.

This lack of knowledge costs you a small fortune in downtime and unnecessary service calls.

Headless Pint

Based on 58L keg of draught that should yield 114 pints and costs $235. Assuming that you account for a dime sized head and sell 10 kegs a week.

An untrained (or poorly trained) bartender, with hand-me-down, “We’ve always done it this way” training, costs you a fortune. If they pour by filling to the rim, you just lost:



Avg cost of draught
per ounce

Two oz spillage
per pint overpour

per keg

The Sacrifice Pour

Turning the tap on for one second before placing the glass underneath.

Based on 58L keg of draught that should yield 114 pints and costs $235. Assuming that you sell 10 kegs a week.

An untrained (or poorly trained) bartender, with hand-me-down, “We’ve always done it this way” training, costs you a fortune. If they pour using the sacrifice method, this costs you:

per year

Down The Drain

Avg cost of draught
per ounce

Two oz spillage
per pint (1 second)

per keg

Return On Investment

If the ten pack investment saves ONE improper FOB reset, not only is the training paid for, but you have also saved $116.40.

And you save $385.40 every time there isn’t an improper FOB reset in the future.

How’s that for ROI?

Incorrect Sub Zero FOB Reset

Based on $7.00 pint of draught, 12 pints per hour, two oz per second pour speed.


Avg loss of sales
per hour

Avg cost
of service call

Avg cost of 3 hours downtime
with a service call

A bad FOB reset on a Sub Zero system causes:
-at least 3 hours of downtime
-typically 12 pitchers of foam (25% beer)
-and a service call.

This totals:



Avg cost of draught
per ounce

Fluid oz in a pitcher

Twelve pitchers of foam
(foam is 25% beer)

Return On Investment

If the ten pack investment saves ONE improper FOB reset, not only is the training paid for, but you have also saved $116.40.

And you save $385.40 every time there isn’t an improper FOB reset in the future.

How’s that for ROI?