Thanks for helping the environment!
Drink Draught – Save The Planet!
The average beer bottle (12 fl oz/341ml) in Canada gets refilled 15 times in it’s lifetime.*
A standard domestic 58.7L keg will provide the equivalent of 172 bottles of beer (7.17 cases of beer).
If a 58.7L keg lasts 20 years** and gets refilled about 6 times per year, it will provide the equivalent of 20,640 bottles of beer over it’s life.
Because a bottle is used 15 times, it requires 1,376 glass bottles to equal the life of one stainless steel keg.
Tare Weight (the weight of empty containers):
An empty beer bottle weighs 9.5 ounces. An empty case of 24 beer bottles, plus case weight, is about 15.25 pounds.***
With over seven cases of beer in a keg, the empties equivalent is over 100 pounds. An empty keg weighs less than a third of that – only 30 pounds.
Lighter tare weight = less fuel to deliver and return = less emissions.
A stainless steel keg has no paper labels or paper case. No metal caps to throw out.
Just a stainless steel keg. Made once, and used for over 20 years.
Thanks for helping the environment by drinking draught.
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*** Me – weighing cases, kegs, and bottles at a bar. Don’t beleive me – try it yourself!