Score Weight
Posted: Aug 14, 2018 | By: Steve Riley | Time to read: 1 min
Each criteria is given a score based on what we consider to be the impact on quality. For example, growth on the walk-in walls (5 pts) does not have such a significant impact on quality like glassware that is not beer clean (11 pts) or warm tap temperature (10 pts).
Each criteria also has a colour corresponding to the score:
The base score is five marks, this would be the green score assigned if all things are in order.
The yellow score is half of the green, but rounded down. If the green is a five, the yellow is a two.
The red score is always a zero.

Overall Score
The overall score is always a percentage, out of 100. Most review scores add up to 100, but there are a couple of review types that do not - Direct Draw + Long Draw reviews (if you have both types of systems). Since the percentage final score is always out of 100%, this is how we can compare establishments with different types of systems.
Overall Score Colours
Greens have an overall score of ≥89, Yellows 80-88, Reds ≤79.

Any Red Is A Red
Reds are issues that are significant. Within each criteria, what constitutes each score (green, yellow, red) is detailed for our team. They have sample images for each criteria that explain each score. For example, extreme growth on 3 or more couplers is a red. Extreme growth on one coupler for 3 months in a row is a red. Reds are designed to get attention and to ensure there is action to resolve the issue.
Because any red is a red, you could have a red 95%, assuming everything was excellent except the 3+ couplers with extreme growth, using the example above.
The audit colours are just as important as the scores. Look at the colour of the review as well as the score to determine the overall grade on quality.