How To Use Your DTG Kit

Prep, Pour, & Present

A note on sealing: If you are selling the growler through a third-party delivery service, you should probably seal the cap with tape. Just wrap the cap a couple of times with electrical tape (included in the kit).
How To Clean Growers and Filler Tubes

Draught To-Go Playbook
To ensure WHIMIS compliance, download & print a copy of each of the SDS sheets and place into your binder.

DTG Guest Guide

Print off our Draught To-Go Guest Guide by clicking on the image.

Two per letter-sized paper.

Add your logo or store info to the bottom right or on the back.

Roll up a guide and insert it through the growlers handle.

If you would like your logo on the guide, click here and include a high res jpg version of your logo and we will reply with your own branded guide.

Draught To Go Guest Guide

Need Help? or Toll-Free at (888) 811-2337 ext 702.

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